
PHY 604: Computational Methods in Physics and Astrophysics II

Instructor: Cyrus Dreyer, Physics B141, cyrus.dreyer@stonybrook.edu
Office Hours: Mondays 3:00pm-4:00pm, Thursdays 9:50am-1:00pm

Lectures, example programs, readings, etc.

Lecture 1: Intro and basics of computation
Lecture 2: Roundoff and trucation errors, version control
Lecture 3: Good programming practicies
Lecture 4: Numerical differentiation, integration
Lecture 5: Numerical integration and Lagrange interpolation
Lecture 6: Lagrange interpolation, splines, and root finding
Lecture 7: Root finding and ODEs
Lecture 8: More on ODEs
Lecture 9: Even more on ODEs: Bulirsch-Stoer and boundary value problems
Lecture 10: Linear Algebra
Lecture 11: More on linear algebra, LU decomposition and eigenvalue problems
Lecture 12: QR decomposition and nonlinear algebra
Lecture 13: Fourier analysis
Lecture 14: FFTs and fitting
Lecture 15: Fitting and PDEs
Lecture 16: Hyperbolic and elliptical PDEs
Lecture 17: More on elliptical PDEs
Lecture 18: Spectral methods and stability
Lecture 19: Implicit schemes for PDEs and random numbers
Lecture 20: Random numbers and radioactive decay
Lecture 21: Monte Carlo integration
Lecture 22: Monte Carlo simulation
Lecture 23: Monte Carlo optimization


Homework 1 (Due 09/21/23)
Homework 2 (Due 10/05/23)
Homework 3 (Due 10/31/23)
Homework 4 (Due 11/14/23)
Homework 5 (Due 11/28/23)
Final Project (Due 12/12/23)