
PHY 555: Solid State Physics 1

Instructor: Cyrus Dreyer, Physics B141, cyrus.dreyer@stonybrook.edu

Office Hours: Mondays 10:08-11:00am, Wednesdays 10:08am-12:00pm


Lecture notes, readings, etc.

Lecture 1/2: Intro and motivation
Lecture 2/3: 1D periodic potential and Bloch's theorem
Lecture 3: Kronig-Penney model
Lecture 4/5: Transfer matrix and scattering off of 1D potential
Lecture 5/6: Tight Binding in 1D
Lecture 6/7: Green's functions and density of states
Lecture 7-9: Plane wave expansion and nearly free electron approx.
Lecture 9-11: Dynamical aspects of electrons in bands
Lecture 12: Summary of electrons in 1D periodic potentials
Lecture 12-14: Sommerfeld model of free electron metal
Lecture 15-20: Crystal lattices
Lecture 20-23: Tight-binding in 3D
Lecture 23-28: Orthogonalized plane wave method
Lecture 28-33: Beyond the one electron approximation (Hartree-Fock and DFT)
Lecture 34: Electronic structure of some materials
Lecture 35: Nuclear dynamics and Born Oppenheimer
Lecture 36-38: Lattice dynamics
Lecture 38-39: Probing crystal structure via scattering
Lecture 39-41: Transport and optical properties


Homework 1 (Due 09/09/22)
Homework 2 (Due 09/21/22)
Homework 3 (Due 10/05/22)
Homework 4 (Due 10/17/22)
Homework 5 (Due 10/31/22)
Homework 6 (Due 11/14/22)
Homework 7 (Due 12/09/22)